The Journal of Provider Compensation (Journal) is the preeminent academic publication dedicated to provider compensation and contracting strategy, design, compliance, and legal issues, including concepts of fair market value and commercial reasonableness. The Journal provides in-depth analysis of timely provider compensation, alignment, and strategy issues that helps you advise your organizations and clients in the constantly changing world of provider integration and alignment.
The Journal’s editorial board are veteran members of the valuation, provider strategy, and compensation/contracting industry; they help identify topics that are critical to the profession and health care industry, and they provide professional peer review of all proposed articles.
Consistent with the AAPCP’s educational mission, it is an objective of the Journal to be a forum for the free expression and interchange of ideas. Contributors to the Journal are not agents of the AAPCP. The opinions and positions stated in the Journal are those of the authors and not of the AAPCP, its staff, volunteers, editors, or editorial board.
The Journal is published once per year, will have a total of 8 editorial board members which includes the editor-in-chief. The AAPCP Communications Committee will be responsible for acting as five of the eight board members. We are accepting article proposals through August 15, 2022. To submit a proposal, please submit a title and short paragraph outlining your proposed article to [email protected]